1006.0 - Forward Work Program, 2015-16 to 2018-19  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 30/09/2015   
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During 2014 and 2015, in consultation with stakeholders and informed through development of Essential Statistical Assets for Australia (cat. no. 1395.0), components of the ABS statistical program were categorised into four tiers.

These tiers are used to assist with the prioritisation of the ABS work program.

Tier 0Essential institutional statistical capability and infrastructure required to deliver a quality national statistical service and remain relevant and sustainable as Australia’s national statistical organisation. This includes systems and processes, methods, people capability, registers and frames and standards, classifications and conceptual frameworks, data integration, dissemination and technology capabilities.
Tier 1Statistics that are considered to be the foundation work of a national statistical organisation.
Tier 2Important areas of statistics where there is a significant government outlay or where there is a significant public policy interest.
Tier 3Other important statistical work that is currently undertaken to meet identified user requirements that could be deemed as falling beyond tiers 1 and 2.

From 2015, the ABS will implement a new approach to determining the ABS statistical forward work program, which includes publishing a work program prioritisation document, including the categorisation outlined above, as part of this Forward Work Program publication, and engaging with governments, users and other stakeholders on the prioritisation. Following the consultation, the ABS will seek input from the Australian Statistics Advisory Council and the Australian Government into the final determination of the statistical forward work program.

The ABS statistical work program, categorised by tier, is provided in the appendix of this publication.


In order to operate within its appropriation, the ABS will:

1. Maintain its organisational infrastructure, knowledge and capability, so as not to erode its capacity to operate as a credible and responsive developed country National Statistical Organisation (NSO) across the four fields of economic, population, social and environmental statistics consistent with the scope of our legislated functions.

2. Maintain the scope and quality of statistics in a manner that ensures public confidence in the accuracy and relevance of the data.

3. Maintain statistical programs that are generally regarded as critical to effective governance and an efficient economy.

4. In other areas of work:

    • give higher priority to retaining program elements which deliver the highest public benefit in terms of the scale and scope of public spending and/or public policy reliance on the data (i.e. those areas where ABS statistics make a significant difference in the targeting of spending or other public policy decisions).
    • give lower priority to elements where there are current or potential alternative sources of data that could be substituted for ABS statistics.


The ABS does not have the resources to undertake all of the activities that fall within its mandate and which users would ideally require.

In balancing the ABS's program of collection and other activities, the Statistician seeks to ensure that ABS resources are used to the maximum benefit of Australian governments and the broader community. In assessing this, the ABS takes account of the value of the information being sought, the extent to which the ABS undertaking the activity would make a difference, and the costs that the activity would impose upon the ABS and the broader community.

In assessing the value of the information, the ABS carefully considers: the importance of the issue from a public policy and/or community interest perspective; views of Australian and state/territory government agencies; the depth and breadth of user interest in the wider community; opinions of recognised experts in the field; the extent to which the information would impact on decision making; and any international reporting obligations.

In assessing the extent to whether the ABS undertaking the proposed activity would make a difference, the ABS also considers:

  • any specific legislative obligations on the ABS to undertake the activity
  • the statistical measurability of the issue, including the ability to provide information that is fit-for-purpose
  • the extent to which other available sources of information, both other ABS and non-ABS, could be used to inform decision making
  • the extent to which the ABS's independent voice of authority, and power to collect information, is required in determining the timing and frequency of the activity, the decision making time-frames and the expected rate of change in the information sought.

In assessing the cost of the activity, the ABS takes account of the:
  • full cost to the ABS of undertaking the collection activity
  • capacity and capability of the ABS to undertake the collection activity
  • workload and other costs imposed on providers
  • sensitivity of the information and the ABS's requirement to maintain the trust of providers.


The ABS encourages stakeholders to consider funding statistical activities, particularly around lower priority activities discussed in the next section.

The ABS undertakes user funded work where:
  • the work is consistent with the ABS’s legislative mandate and the APS values
  • the work itself, or the related funding arrangements, does not 'crowd out', compromise public support for, or otherwise put at risk the 'core' work program funded by direct Parliamentary appropriations
  • there is demonstrable value in the activity, the ABS undertaking the activity would make a difference, and the costs imposed on providers are acceptable
  • the ABS has the capability and capacity to undertake the work.